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According to an older classification system, the living organisms are divided into five kingdoms: Animalia (animals), Fungi (fungi), Monera (archaea and bacteria), Plantae (plants) and Protista (unicellular organisms with mitochondria, etc.).


This system has been modernized and is now called the Catalog of Life (1), which is abbreviated CoL, and all organisms are there divided into two superkingdoms, Prokaryota and Eukaryota. These two superkingdoms are in turn divided into seven different kingdoms Archaea (archaea or archaebacteria), Bacteria (bacteria or eubacteria), Protozoa (protozoa), Chromista, Fungi (fungi), Plantae (plants), and Animalia (animals). Thus, the first two belong to the superkingdom Prokaryota and the rest belong to the superkingdom Eukaryota. To the kingdom Chromista belong the so-called the water moulds, formerly called fungal-like organisms (or pseudo-fungi). These organisms are now part of the phylum Oomycota, which thus belongs to the kingdom of Chromista.

We have chosen to include representatives of phylum Oomycota in AgriMyc because they are important in agriculture and veterinary medicine and because they are often included in fungi chapters in textbooks.


Ruggiero MA, Gordon DP, Orrell TM, Bailly N, Bourgoin T, Brusca RC, Cavalier-Smith T, Guiry MD, 7 & Kirk PM, 2015. A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms. PLoS One 10(4): e0119248.

Updated: 2021-05-12.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences