Species/Subspecies: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Category: Of practical use
Etymology: Genus name: sugar fungus.
Species epithet: from beer.
Significance:  [Important]   
Macromorphology (smell):
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Metabolism: S. cerevisiae is facultatively anaerobic. Ethanol and carbon dioxide are generated by fermentation.
Reproduction: S. cerevisiae reproduces asexually through budding like other yeasts, but can also form ascospores and reproduce sexually.
Spec. Char.: Like other yeasts, S. cerevisiae has a relatively short generation time (1.25-2 hours).
Disease/effect: A variant of S. cerevisiae , known as S. boulardii and which is included in certain probiotics, has, however, been shown to account for about 40% of human saccharomycoses.
Genome Sequence:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/Isolate# of chromSize (Mbp)
GCF_000146045 S288C 17 12.2 

Mitochondrial DNA sequence:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of BP
NC_027264 NCYC3594 78 917 
Circular DNA

18S rRNA Seq:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of NT
NG_063315 NRRL Y-12632 1730 

ITS regions:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of NTGenes
NR_111007 CBS 1171TM 752 18S rRNA, ITS 1, 5.8S rRNA, ITS 2 

Comment:Used for the production of wine and beer and for baking. Also very useful as a model system for eukaryotic cells in cell biology. S. cerevisiae was the first eukaryotic organism for which the entire genome was sequenced in 1996.
Reference(s): No. 52
Link: Saccharomyces Genome Database

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences