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Mycological terms

Following is a list of various mycological terms in alphabetic order and with brief explanations, which are referred to from the fungus pages. The list will be expanded as new terms appear. If more comprehensive explanations are required, the term gets its own heading in the Termlist.

Endophytic means that the organism (fungus or bacteria) can grow into a plant's tissue without causing disease or visible damage. Endophytes have been found in all plants that have been investigated, but the connection between plant and endophyte has not usually been clarified. In some cases, however, a positive effect on the plant has been established. A group of endophytic fungi consists of the so-called the mycorrhizal fungi, which live in symbiosis with e.g. trees.

Saprotrophic nutrition means that the fungus, through its hyphae, takes up nutrients (amino acids, fatty acids, disaccharides and glucose), which have been broken down extracellularly (from proteins, lipids, starch or cellulose) by secreting enzymes (proteases, lipases, amylases or cellulases) from the fungus.


Updated: 2023-01-25.

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Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences