Species/Subspecies: Microsporum canis
Categories: Animal pathogen; human pathogen; dermatophyte
Etymology: Genus name: small seed.
Species epithet: from dog.
Alternative Species Name(s):Arthroderma otae, som är namnet på arten i dess teleomorfa stadium och bör undvikas.
Significance:M. canis is one of the most important among the zoophilic dermatophytes. It is highly contagious, expensive to treat and difficult to control.
Geographic distribution: M. canis occurs worldwide and is especially common in Iran. In England, Scandinavia and South America, the occurrence is more sparse. The fungus is uncommon in other parts of Europe and in the United States. It is completely absent in Equatorial Africa.
Macromorphology (smell):
Microsporum canis 
The top of the colony is whitish, coarsely fluffy and has a yellow pigment at the edge. The colony also has a fibrous and silky appearance. The yellow colour of the pigment can clearly be observed, if the plate is turned up-side-down, as shown in Fig. 10:1.
Microsporum canis
The hyphae are septated and carry many macroconidia (40-120 x 8-20 µm), which are long, spindle-shaped and rough with thick walls and they taper in a characteristic way to knob like ends. The macroconidia have up to 15 septa.
Spec. Char.:
Disease/effect: Ringworm is zoonotic and can be caused by about 40 different types of fungi and depending on where on the body the symptoms occur, it is also called Tinea pedis (feet), Tinea unguium (nails), Tinea corporis (arms, legs or torso), Tinea cruris (groin area), Tinea manuum (palm area), Tinea capitis (scalp and hair), Tinea profunda (follicles), Tinea faciei (face) and Tinea barbae (facial hair).
Genome Sequence:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/Isolate# of chromSize (Mbp)
GCF_000151145 CBS 113480  23.1 

Mitochondrial DNA sequence:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of BPRef
NC_012832 ATCC 36299 23 943 # 62
Circular DNA

18S rRNA Seq:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of NT
EF631606 BMU02865 2366 

ITS regions:
ACC-No GenBankStrain/IsolateNumber of NTGenes
NR_131265 CBS 496.86TM 720 ITS 1, 5.8S rRNA, ITS 2, 28S rRNA 

Comment:It was previously believed that Microsporum equinum and M. canis were different species, but since they have now been shown to be genetically very similar to each other, it is considered that they probably represent the same species.
Reference(s): No. 42

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences